Supporting homes for minors in difficulty in Belgium

2023, Belgium

FEED for "Fonds Entrepreneurial pour Enfants défavorisés", a non-profit organization founded in Liège on December 20, 2016. The organization's main objective is to provide physical and financial assistance to organizations in Belgium that provide a home, living structure and future opportunities for children in need. It also prepares young people for their launch and integration into the job market. Since 2016 and thanks to the donations collected, the association has helped with building renovation, vehicle acquisition, recreational trips, sports assistance ....

10. Reduced inequalities
04. Quality education

"We have to react and support the children, help them overcome any academic deficiencies they may have, give them access to culture, sport and leisure activities, and introduce them to the world of work and business. We can't leave them behind. They are part of our future! ... It's up to us to fight for them and assume our responsibilities."

Isabelle Rasmont, managing director Feed asbl

Feed currently operates three structures:

  • L’Accueil, which cares for children aged 0 to 6, whose parents are experiencing personal or relational difficulties, in moments of great family distress, which render them momentarily unable to fulfill their parental roles.
  • Le Cartel is an educational support service subsidized by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [Aide à la jeunesse]. The Center accommodates some fifteen children, aged 4 to 18, 24/7, placed by the Youth Counselor or Judge, or the Director of the Youth Protection Service.
  • The Foyer de Burnot, mainly for young people whose families are experiencing difficulties. These are boys and girls aged from 2 and a half to 18, but under 12 at the time of entry, in order to intervene as early as possible in the children’s development process, so that they can reintegrate into their families if possible before adolescence.




nursing homes


young people cared for



Since 2020, with the covid crisis and the ensuing economic crisis, the association has had to put its main source of income, charity dinner, on hold. This has not prevented it from continuing to support the three homes, particularly during vacation periods.

In 2022, the association has decided to take time for reflection, to redefine its strategy, objectives and resources, and to realize its plans for the future with strength, conviction and enthusiasm. It was against this backdrop that it called on the John Cockerill Foundation, which, since 2023, has been supporting the association for 3 years with a single goal in mind: #workingonadream.