Contributing to child safety in Ukraine


Gurtum Charity Foundation is a collective of volunteers committed to effectively rebuilding damaged buildings following the war that began on February 24, 2022. Their main objective is to help victims restore urgently needed housing and infrastructure in unoccupied territories. They have successfully restored a range of infrastructures, including residential buildings, schools and outpatient clinics. Beyond reconstruction, their initiatives extend to clearing debris, cleaning up the area, organizing various community events, and providing general assistance to those affected by the destruction.

The St-Raphaël Nursery


The St-Raphaël Nursery is one of the institutions of ACIS (Association Chrétienne des Institutions Sociales et de Santé - Christian Association of Social and Health Institutions - active through 64 institutions in the medico-social sector in Wallonia and Brussels, with over 5,500 employees). The Nursery is a Early Childhood Specialized Care Service approved by the O.N.E. (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance - Birth and Childhood Office) to provide accommodation for 24 children aged from 0 to 7 in 2 living units, under a mandate from the "Aide à la Jeunesse" ("Youth Assistance") or a private request for social reasons. The Nursery is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The units are exclusive living quarters for the children.

L’Univers de Raph


In the Walloon region, 128,000 families have to cope with the upheaval caused by their child's diagnosis of disability. The news brings with it profound changes. Often, one of the parents has to give up his or her job to care for the child. Additional disability-related expenses pile up, putting almost half of these families in a precarious financial situation. The child's lack of autonomy creates a high level of dependence on the parents throughout his or her life, impacting not only family dynamics, but also social and marital relationships. Nearly 80% of these parents separate. What's more, they often face a veritable "obstacle course" to obtain information and solutions adapted to their daily lives. These multiple challenges hamper their ability to fully support their child, compromising their own personal development as well as their physical and mental health.

Saint-François d’Assises Medical Dispensary


Partage et Solidarité is an Alsatian NGO created in 1990 and made up entirely of volunteers. Its main objective is to bring help to children whose fundamental rights are not assured. Since 2009, about 200 children and students living in Tananarive or Port Bergé are sponsored by the association. The objectives of the sponsorship are: the fight against malnutrition, access to schooling and medical care. Today, the health care offer for the population in great precariousness of Port Bergé is seriously deficient. The public hospital, which is a bit out of the way, is in a state of great decrepitude and totally lacking in equipment. The population has recourse to private care only as a last resort, notably because of the financial problem. The Sisters have at heart to offer a local welcome and quality care in a relationship of trust with the population, while developing the partnership between the structures according to their skills.